Sunday, 1 April 2012

Black Lung - Theme from the Black Lung Part 2

Black Lung - Theme from the Black Lung Part 2 

Listen to my voice, my voice is the most tiring voice in the world.
And I'm going to count to ten. Every number will make you more tired. Let the numbers 'make' you tired. When I tell you to close your eyes, don't fight it. [...Deeper, and deeper..]

Every time a person smokes a cigarette, it puts a black streak of stick tar on their lungs. So many black streaks that they merge together, and the lungs are smothered with black sticky tar. And the horrible thing is that the lungs I'm talking about are your lungs. Your lungs are covered with black tar. It interferes with your breathing, it makes you cough and wheeze, and eventually it will give you cancer.

Now, the cancer is horrific, because it creeps and crawls. It eats it's way across your lungs until there are no lungs left.
And then the person dies in agony.

[Black lung - Wikipedia]


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